World's most physically active country

To strengthen mental and physical health throughout society through movement and active communities.
“Common” sense
The benefits of living an active life are almost endless. Therefore, as individuals and as a society, we cannot afford to set a less ambitious goal for ourselves than to become the most physically active country in the world.
Quality of life and Community
Quality of life undeniably goes hand in hand with our level of activity and social activity. A higher activity level prevents lifestyle diseases, promotes our mental health, increases our children’s learning and reduces stress levels. We also know that strong active communities gives us a feeling of belonging. Parameters we know are linked to how happy we feel as individuals and as a society.
Physically active from
cradle to grave
In order to improve our mental health and quality of life throughout our lives, we have to stay active from cradle to grave. This means that we focus on all aspects of life: from nurseries, playgroups and schools to workplaces, leisure activities and retirement.

Our four
focus areas
- Physical activity for children and young people
- Strengthening the volunteer culture
- Increased and more varied activity development
- Activity-promoting facilities
GOAL 2023
These are benefits that are hard to overlook and argue against, and the reason we have to be so ambitious about our vision.
However, to achieve this vision, we need you to jump on board and help create the necessary “movement” in society that can help build a collective momentum across town boundaries and age differences.
We must dare to dream bigger, and we must dare to take drastic steps together, and the journey towards becoming the most physically active country in the world starts with you. With us.